Psycho-education game ‘Mapping Autism’

 24,95 incl. btw


Engelstalige versie van ‘Autisme in kaart’

‘Mapping autism’ is a tool that you can use if you want to explain the question about what autism is. It is a small selection of aspects that someone with autism may have to deal with on a daily basis and to discuss this.

Once a person is diagnosed with autism, the search actually begins. What does autism mean to me and my environment? What is classified as autism and wahat are my characteristics and what are normal for my age? Autism is different for everyone. Once you create amind map, you will discover what is means for you.

In order to deal better with autism, coaches, counsellors and therapists often spend a lot of time on psycho-education. The game consists of four terms: executive unctions, central cohorence, theory of mind and sensory processing. Each term has 50 cards. At the end of the game, you can answer questions such as: what do you see now? How do you feel when you see these cards in front of you?


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